Mental Health Support

In-person walk-in emergency/crisis support  

East London  

Together Café Tower Hamlets

This is a community based space for adults (aged 18+) living in Tower Hamlets who are struggling with a developing mental health crisis. 

The café is open for Tower Hamlets residents to walk-in, with no referral process necessary. The service intends to provide a viable alternative to attending A&E out of hours. Service users are supported by 1:1 sessions as well as access to other activities. 

Tower Hamlets Together Café | East London NHS Foundation Trust ( 

City and Hackney Centre for Mental Health  

Sits alongside Homerton hospital and offers 24 hour support  

City & Hackney Centre for Mental Health | East London NHS Foundation Trust ( 

North London  

Camden Crisis Sanctuary  

Camden Crisis Sanctuary | Hestia 

Find North London mental health services using this link 

Our services | North London Mental Health Partnership 

Central and North West London  

Cove Services 

(16+ in Brent, Harrow, Hillingdon and 18+ in Kensington and Chelsea, Westminster) 

Visit your local cove  

The Coves :: Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust ( 

Lambeth ‘The Evening Sanctuary’ 

Sanctuary : Mosaic Clubhouse ( 

South west London Recovery Café (Hestia)  

South West London Recovery Café | Hestia 

Suicide helplines 

Samaritans (24/7 service) - Call116 123 

Write a letter, online chat or email  

Contact Us | Samaritans 


Immigration Advice


Housing Advice