Praxis’ services
Immigration advice
We provide free immigration advice to people in London.
In some cases, we might be able to offer representation. Our focus is on applications made on human rights grounds. Priority is given to those on a very low income or people experiencing destitution. Unfortunately, we cannot assist with asylum claims, entry clearance applications, naturalisation, or student/skilled worker visas.
If you need advice, you can call our phone advice or attend one of our monthly drop-in sessions.
Telephone advice:
What: free immigration advice provided over the phone
For: people in London on a very low income or people experiencing destitution.
When: Wednesdays 2-5pm. Please note there is no phone advice on Wednesdays when there is a drop in clinics (dates below).
Call: 020 7749 7605
Our phone line gets incredibly busy so do keep trying throughout the session.
Drop-in clinics:
What: free immigration advice provided face-to-face at Praxis
For: people on a very low income or people experiencing destitution who live in Tower Hamlets, Hackney or who have No Fixed Address. Unfortunately, if you fall outside of this, we will not be able to offer you an appointment with an advisor.
When: The next sessions is on 9th April.
Time: doors open at 9am
Where: Praxis, Pott Street, London E2 0EF
There is a huge demand for our service, and we are only able to offer 12 immigration appointments, so we recommend arriving before 9am. Appointments are given out on a first come first served basis. We have very limited capacity for non-immigration advice issues, and the support we provide will mainly be signposting.
Group Work
Alongside our advice services, we run a range of user-led groups, activities, classes and events that bring people together and develop new, positive identities. If you are interested in joining one of our groups please get in touch with Robin at
Praxis’ resources
Cost of living crisis resource
If you’re struggling with the cost of living and are affected by the No Recourse to Public Funds condition, please refer to our Cost of Living Support Resource to see what help you may be able to access.
Childcare support guide for people with No Recourse to Public Funds
Please refer to our guide for parents with No Recourse to Public Funds to learn about childcare support available.
Advice for reporting to the Home Office
Most people who have claimed asylum or have other immigration status in the UK and have not had a positive decision have to regularly report to the Home Office. Find out what this means and how to best prepare here.
Resources from other organisations
No Recourse to Public Funds
If you’re struggling with No Recourse to Public Funds, get in touch through Praxis’ advice line on the numbers listed above. Alternatively, you can find a list of other organisations providing specialist advice and support available here;
If you have No Recourse to Public Funds your children might now be eligible for Free School Meals, if you meet the criteria. Find more info here.
10 year route
If you are on the 10 year route to indefinite leave to remain, please see Right to Remain’s Toolkit. It explains the key steps of the process and how to apply for a fee waiver fee.
Seeking Asylum
If you are seeking asylum, please see here for recommended services including advice helplines and specialised services. Please see Right to Remain’s Toolkits below for information about the process and the support available.
Find a place to stay if you’re homeless or on the streets
The housing charity Shelter offers a range of advice and guidance on how to find somewhere to stay. Please see here.
Find a free food station
The Trussell Trust- Foodbank Network
The Pavement- Food/Soup Runs (under services and search by region)
Newham: Community Meals in Warm Havens
Mental health support
If you are experiencing difficulties with your mental health please read the following NHS advice.
If you or someone else is in danger, call 999 or go to A&E now
If you need help urgently for your mental health, but it's not an emergency, get help from NHS 111 online or call 111
Your mental health is as important as your physical health. You will not be wasting anyone's time.
You can also try contacting an urgent mental health helpline run by local NHS teams, find the right team for your area here.
Samaritans telephone listening service:
Call 116 123 to speak to a non-judgemental volunteer, free of charge. Service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Translators are not available.
Papyrus Hope Line
Call 0800 068 41 41 to speak to an adviser about low mood and thoughts of suicide or self harm. Translators are available.
Windrush Compensation Scheme
If you or a member of your family have been affected by the Windrush Scandal and you are seeking compensation for the harms experienced, Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit are supporting people through the application process.