About Us

Praxis is an award-winning human rights charity fighting for migrant rights since 1983. We give advice, provide support, and campaign so that migrants and refugees in the UK can live with safety, dignity and respect.

We may be small, but we are mighty- and we will not give in. Whether times are good or bad, the Praxis community won’t stop resisting the hostile environment. And together, we can build a country where everyone can thrive.


Our vision:

People who have migrated to the UK will not be marginalised or mistreated because of their immigration status. They will live safely, free from poverty, discrimination, and exclusion, and be treated with compassion and respect.


Our mission:

Our mission is to create positive change for and with individuals and communities who are marginalised because of their immigration status. We deliver this by working on three levels:

1.       Delivering direct services: providing specialist legal advice and holistic welfare support to help people live securely and safely.

2.       Building the capacity of other services in the UK: using our expertise to provide innovative solutions and sharing our knowledge through training and partnership working.

3.       Campaigning for systemic change: building alliances and working in partnership with experts by experience to create positive, long-term changes to the policies and practices that cause exclusion and destitution.


Our history:

Forty years ago, Praxis was formed when local people in East London came together with people who had moved to the UK after fleeing war, persecution and violence.

Many of those people had already been forced to leave their homes and rebuild their lives in the UK. They didn’t want anyone to face that struggle alone.

Others were fed up with watching endless violence and racism take place in their communities and across the world. They came together to build solidarity and demand justice.

That’s how the powerful Praxis community began. Today, people who’ve migrated lead our campaigns and community groups remain at the heart of Praxis.

As the legal rules have become more and more complicated over the years, we’ve become a specialist in providing legal support and advice. We have fought back while consecutive governments have put cruel systems in place.

The word Praxis means practicing your values. We believe our everyday actions can improve our world and ourselves. Join us.


Learn about our values:



At Praxis there are so many transformations that sometimes you blink and there is something new, because it is responding to the needs of the people, that’s why they were one of the first organisation responding to the need of the Windrush generation, because they saw a need and offered a solution.

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