How the government can reduce poverty for migrant children
In our last blog, we unpacked some of the unique challenges facing migrant children that make it more likely that they will grow up in poverty. We looked at the variety of ways in which immigration policies and legislation make it both more likely that migrant families find themselves in poverty, and more difficult to get out of these situations. Here we’ll explore some of the options available to Government if they’re serious about ending poverty for all children.
Scrapping No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF)
What? This would involve abolishing the NRPF condition in all its forms, so that everyone living in the UK could have access to the social security system on an equal basis. This wouldn’t entail giving special treatment to any one group, but would instead allow any family living in, or at risk of, poverty to get the help they need.
Why? NRPF conditions affect different groups in different ways – for example, some people have a visa that comes with NRPF; others are affected because they’re seeking asylum; and others because they don’t have current immigration status. Scrapping the condition would mean that every group would get the same protections against poverty. It would also mean that families in poverty could benefit from the full range of support offered by the social security system.
Contrary to what right-wing politicians and media would have you think, this wouldn’t give migrants preferential treatment. Instead, it would give them equal access to the system. If a family found themselves facing financial hardship, they’d be able to apply for Universal Credit (UC), for example, just like any British family. If they met the criteria, they might get some support.
Given that we don’t know exactly how many migrant families are living in poverty, we can’t say exactly how many might claim UC or what this might cost Government. But we think about 382,000 children living in poverty would benefit, and it would be the surest way of protecting every child from poverty – in line with the Government’s commitment.
Removing NRPF from families
What? Remove the NRPF condition from parents with leave to remain who have children under 18 years old. This includes different types of leave to remain, including for study, work or family.
Why? This is a more targeted option that would mean only families are given access to the social security system. It would include British citizen children who are currently excluded from the social security system because of their parents’ immigration status. However, it would not benefit children or families who do not have status, or asylum-seeking children, excluding two cohorts of children likely to be particularly vulnerable to poverty. Overall, we think this has the potential to help at least 150,000 children living in poverty nationally.
Time-limit NRPF restrictions
What? Reduce the length of time people with leave to remain are subject to the NRPF condition. This might look like a 5-year limit on how long someone can be subject to NRPF, or capping the 10-year settlement route to five years, as recommended by multiple stakeholders including the Work and Pensions Select Committee.
Why? Given that parents may be faced with NRPF restrictions for up to 10 years or longer, children often endure its impacts for a significant portion of their childhood. This is especially damaging for young children, given the importance of the first 1,001 days for a child’s development. Other countries do not restrict access to benefits for such lengthy periods of time. For example, France allows access to benefits after 30 months, or 5 years if the individual is not working. 65% of UK adults think migrants should be able to claim benefits after 3 years. This option would not benefit children or families who do not have status, or asylum-seeking children, again excluding two cohorts of children likely to be particularly vulnerable to poverty. But it might offer an appealing option for policy makers looking to balance restrictions.
Remove NRPF restriction on Child Benefit and childcare entitlements
What? Allow all families subject to NRPF to access Child Benefit and extend childcare entitlements for working parents of children aged 9 months-4 years who meet the income criteria.
Why? Access to Child Benefit would provide a predictable, reliable source of income for migrant families, which would in particular benefit parents earning low incomes or who are unable to work. We estimate it could benefit around 382,000 children in migrant households who may be living in poverty. While important for ensuring equal access, due to the level of support provided, access to Child Benefit on its own will not lift many children or families out of poverty. Extending childcare entitlements would enable parents with NRPF to access support with childcare costs on an equal footing with other parents, and thereby to either return to work or increase their working hours. This would increase the household income of migrant families, impacting children’s development and future outcomes. 66% of UK voters believe that parents with NRPF should be able to access the extended childcare entitlement if they meet the income criteria.
Reduce the burden of high immigration and nationality fees
What? Migrant families are faced with eye-wateringly high visa fees, often forcing them to pay thousands of pounds every few years to renew their visas. The Government should stop profiting from people’s temporary immigration status and instead place caps on immigration and nationality fees - including allowing concessions for families at risk of poverty.
Why? Migrants in the UK face some of the highest upfront visa fees and costs in the world – including parents of British children, keyworkers, and young people who have arrived to the UK as children. At Praxis, every day we see people struggling to afford bills and food while they try and save the thousands needed for these fees, especially as the cost of living crisis drags on.
Overall, given the multiple harms that NRPF causes and the complexity of the immigration system, we’d argue that ceasing to apply NRPF by default would be the most effective way of protecting all children from poverty. You can call on the Government to protect every child from poverty now – join us.