Healthcare Access

Doctors of the World 

Empowering refugees and migrants to access health services 

Patient Clinic - Doctors of the World 

Patients not passports 

Get involved with campaigning against NHS charging by joining a local campaign group.  

New Joiners – Patients Not Passports 

South West London 

Health Inclusion Clinic 

A specialist clinic for refugees, asylum seekers, refused asylum seekers, undocumented migrants and people with no recourse to public funds, who have difficulty accessing a local GP practice 

Maternity Action

Provide free advice and information on maternity and parental rights along with advice to women who have received an invoice for maternity care/are being charged fees by the NHS.  

Home - Maternity Action 

Freedom from Torture  

Medico-legal reports and support for survivors of physical and psychological torture. Health assessments and pain management.  

Medico-legal reports for torture survivors | Freedom from Torture 

Helen Bamber Foundation  

Medico-Legal Reports – medical advice for survivors of trafficking and torture  

Medical Advice | Helen Bamber 


Dental charity with mobile dental units to visit hostels, community centres etc to provide dental treatment and oral health advice 

Refugees and asylum seekers - Dentaid 


Refugee Council – HARP project  

Helping refugees and asylum seekers to find healthcare - Refugee Council 


Street Homelessness


Domestic Abuse Support